Sunday, 13 August 2017

My Art Haul - or Why I Love Etsy

About 5 months ago I was living a very minimal life . We'd moved to Australia with just two suitcases and I felt great not having 'stuff'. Then I decided, for reasons I'm sure I'll bug you with another day, to start getting back into non-digital art. This, it turns out, is an expensive hobby.

Why are markers so expensive?!?!?

Anyway , this one hobby has gotten out of control.

Of course this lead to me getting to know other illustrators, which lead to me discovering Etsy.
Oh jeez! So many things I want to own. So I started off by buying just one enamel badge. This lead to another and before I knew it I'd signed up to Patreon because I'd buy these people a coffee so why wouldn't I help out their art. It was dangerous rabbit hole.

I have it under control right now (not that you'd know it from this video). So I thought I'd show you guys all the things I got from the talented people I know and have discovered.

And yes....that is the Gilmore girls on in the background at the end.

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